The growing prevalence of antimicrobial resistance has led to the increased use of fortified antimicrobial drops that can cause significant toxicity to the ocular surface and also require a compounding pharmacy.1 Even with proper medical management, some cases of infectious keratitis (IK) can evolve into corneal perforation (Figure 1). In some of these cases, a therapeutic corneal transplant is required. However, corneal grafts on an infected and/or inflamed ocular surface have a guarded prognosis.2 Thus, alternative treatments are needed for the management of IK.

A recent addition to the armamentarium against IK is the use of corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL), which is a procedure based on a photosensitizer chemical (riboflavin) and a light source with a specific wavelength to excite the chemical (UV light). CXL results in the formation of stronger chemical bonds among adjacent fibrils.3 In addition, the cornea becomes more resistant to enzymatic digestion by collagenases.3
In the 1960s, Tsugita et al reported that the application of riboflavin and UVA light led to the inactivation of the tobacco mosaic virus.4 Since then, this knowledge has been used to eradicate microorganisms in many applications, including in the sterilization of water, surfaces, and blood products. The first to publish its use in human corneal infections was Iseli et al.5 Since then, there have been several case reports, case series and prospective non-randomized studies on the use of CXL for corneal infections, and the term photo-activated chromophore (PACK-CXL) has been used in many recent publications.6-11
The first randomized controlled clinical studies comparing PACK-CXL as an additional procedure to medical therapy, by Said et al and Kasetsuwan et al, did not show a significant difference in corneal healing and final visual outcome compared to standard antibiotic treatments in patients with severe IK.12,13 Nevertheless, PACK-CXL did reduce late complications, such as corneal perforation. Additionally, Bamdad et al demonstrated a faster recovery of epithelial defects and infiltrates when PACK-CXL was added to standard antibiotic treatments.14
The use of PACK-CXL in fungal keratitis is debatable. Li et al reported a successful use of PACK-CXL for eight cases of fungal keratitis.15 However, Uddaraju et al and Venkatesh Prajna N et al, in a prospective randomized clinical trial, found that PACK-CXL was not helpful in deep stromal fungal keratitis.16,17
Interestingly, modifying parameters of the Dresden protocol, such as using higher fluence, may lead to better outcomes in IK patients.18,19 On the other hand, Richoz, et al. reported that, “fluorescein staining competes with riboflavin for the absorption of UVA during PACK-CXL and reduces the antimicrobial effect of the procedure.20
Anecdotal Experience
Our group reported three cases of IK treated with PACK-CXL as an adjunct treatment to standard antibiotic treatments with good long-term follow-up and results.21 We also experienced good results with another case of biopsy-proven fungal keratitis. (Figure 2, unpublished).

As an alternative to PACK-CXL treatment for IK, research by our group has focused on in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of photodynamic antimicrobial therapy (PDAT) using Rose bengal as a photosensitizer, activated by a green light (RB-PDAT). Specifically, our team demonstrated the in vitro antimicrobial efficacy of PDAT comparing Rose bengal and riboflavin as two different photosensitizers against a variety of microbes, including multiple species of bacteria and fungi.22-24 Others have demonstrated a possible role for RB-PDAT on Acanthamoeba infections.25
The safety of RB-PDAT has been established in, in vivo animal models.26,27 Resistance to treatment has also not been observed with RB-PDAT.28 Thus far, at our institution, we have relied on these in vitro and in vivo results to use RB-PDAT to treat patients who have progressive IK who were unresponsive to standard medical therapy (Figure 3 and Figure 4). The first successful reported case of RB-PDAT was in a patient who had Fusarium keratoplasticum keratitis.29,30 Our group published a retrospective pilot study using RB-PDAT as an adjunct treatment for severe IK, with a total of 18 patients. A surgical treatment was avoided in 72% of the patients.31

Areas of Potential
In summary, the use of a light-activated photosensitizer agent for IK continues to be a challenge, but an area of opportunity. Novel potential treatments, such as PACK-CXL and RB-PDAT, show success, but still need to be evaluated in prospective clinical trials. New improvements in technology, as well as better understanding of the mechanism of action will help improve patient outcomes. CP
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