By Steve Lenier, contributing editor
The prior Corneal Physician Symposium revealed that three sessions came out on top for live attendance and engagement. If you missed them, you can still see them at https://events.hubilo.com/corneal-physician-symposium/register.
Here’s a brief synopsis of No. 3: Navigating Surface Challenges.
• Neurotrophic Keratitis and its effects. Kenneth A. Beckman, MD, explains what neurotrophic keratitis is and some effects it can have, as well as causes of the condition. Specifically, he discusses how to make the diagnosis, and staging the condition using the Mackie Classification. Tips on determining corneal sensitivity are given, and steps involved with treatment are listed.
• Migraine and dry eye connected. These conditions are comorbid and connected, according to Anat Galor, MD, MSPH. Dr. Galor discusses what that means in the context of the umbrella term of dry eye disease. Additionally, she talks about shared features of the two conditions, compares their ocular surface parameters, and looks at using similar treatments for both.
• Clinical course of bilateral dendritic keratitis. Helen K. Wu, MD, presents a case of a patient who has bilateral dendritic keratitis, and describes the clinical course that got him to a place of needing no further medication. Additionally, Dr. Wu focuses on information regarding herpes simplex virus, including diagnosis. Stromal keratitis and keratouveitis are discussed in the presentation, and tips on treatment of epithelial disease are given.
The next Corneal Physician Symposium is right around the corner. We hope to see you there!